Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 46- 70 in February?

Today was absolutely GORGEOUS and an all-around GREAT day! I only had one class today and then spent a solid 4 and a 1/2 hours on the horseshoe taking pictures, singing, rapping, eating, reading, napping- such a good time! I was also given the wonderful opportunity to hear such an inspirational story from Debbie Sobeski whose strength in the Lord is so evident and inspiring.  At the event I won her's the first thing i have EVER won and probably the best gift I could ever receive :) can't wait to read it tomorrow on the shoe!

PS: just wanna give a shout out to my girl, Ally for making me some divine food in cooking class! Let's make this an every Thursday thing? :)

Psalm 130:5
"I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, 
and in his word I put my hope."


  1. I got my own personal shout out on THE Amy's blog? I am honored!and YES!

  2. you also called your amazing sister. where is my shout out?! and if i recall correctly... you won a bottle of rum at the ripe age of 12, how could you forget??
