Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27- so fresh and so clean.

Today was cleaning day! And oh, boy was it was getting kinda scary in there! Rachel and I cleaned like it was our job, while jamming out to the Eminem special of Fuse and discussing how Eminem needs to know Jesus. Just a thought. (Thanks, Allie for putting that idea into our minds)  And yes, we do clean with mohawk man, and  yes, we are planning on collecting his whole famjam....I know you're probably screaming with jealously right now.  We were hardcore though...we scrubbed the kitchen floor, bathroom floor, vacuumed, dusted... we even decorated the walls with wall decals! Wow, we are so domesticated it's scary. Secretively we both like to clean because after it's all done you just feel so accomplished and good about yourself...except for the grimy yucky feeling you get after scrubbing grimy yucky things...even though we did ponder hiring a cleaning lady...But, do not ask us to clean your place because that's not okay.

PS: This really cool chick, RAE is coming to visit stay tuned for some awesome times!

Deuteronomy 6:5
"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength"


  1. Hey Amy, someone referred me to your blog, and thought we had a lot in common. I like the concept behind your site. Keep it up!

  2. that's my cousin... hahaha my mom referred him. I swear we aren't creepy :)
